,"h's ,,hank ,"eybody ,is ,"sbody ,h5ry ,w9kl] @& ,l9 ,oliv] ,,,illu/rat$ by scott g>rett,' ,9 #a ,volume ,brl ,pages t#a-t#b & #a-#fc ,pr9t ,pages #a-#abc ,sponsor$ & ,pres5t$ by3 ,am]ican ,ac;n ,fund = ,bl ,*n & ,adults #ahjj ,johnson ,/reet ,baltimore1 ,m>yl& #babcj www4ac;nfund4org ,produc$ at ,na;nal ,brl ,press www4nbp4org t#a ,text copy"r ^c #bjai by ,h5ry ,w9kl] & ,l9 ,oliv] ,produc;ns1 ,9c4 ,illu/ra;ns copy"r ^c #bjai by ,scott ,g>rett4 ,publi%$ by ,p5gu9 ,"w%op1 an impr9t ( ,p5gu9 ,r&om ,h\se ;,,llc1 #cde ,hudson ,/reet1 ,new ,york1 ,new ,york #ajjad4 ,,isbn #igh-#j-#eae-#aegai-#b p5gu94com_/"yr1d]s ,to ,9dya1 ,ace1 ,lulu1 ,jules1 & ,augu/4 ,& alw to ,/acey,-,,hw ,= ,h5ry ,w9kl]1 my wond];l writ+ "pn]1 :o has made ? j\rney ) ,hank ! trip ( a life"t,-,,lo ,= ,jakki my sweethe>t1 & to ,h5ry & ,l93 ,scott ,gre5 & ,i salute y6,-,,sg ,"h's ,,hank #a ,"eybody ,is ,"sbody ,,*apt] #a 8,emily10 ,i sd to my si/]4 8,:5 !y take yr picture1 say ,8toenails4,00 8,eeuw1 :y wd ,i say ,8toenails,080 %e answ]$4 8,!y're gross40 8,2c say+ ! ^w moves yr lips 9to a smile10 ,i expla9$4 8,:1 ,i mid ! bullet9 bo>d ": !y 4play ------------------------------------#b ! pictures ( "ey"o :o w9s an aw>d4 ,if y want to 2 fam\s1 x's ! be/ bullet9 bo>d 9 ! s*ool4 ,e kid at ,,ps #hg has to pass by x at l1/ twice a "d4 ,& td !y 7 tak+ a picture ( ,emily to put up on 4play4 ,%e _h be5 pick$ z ,r1d] ( ! ,mon? 444 ag4 8,hank1 y're j j1l\s 2c ,i'm gett+ my picture up on ! bullet9 bo>d & y're n10 ,emily sd4 #a ,! annoy+ ?+ ab ,emily is t a#b %e's alw "r4 ,i .10 j1l\s4 ,? 0 ! second "t %e _h be5 pick$ z ,r1d] ( ! ,mon?1 ? "t = hav+ f9i%$ ?irte5 books 9 ?irty ------------------------------------#c "ds4 ,ask me h[ _m books ,i've f9i%$4 ,! answ] is n "o4 ,i want to r1d1 ,i r1lly d4 ,b my eyes n"e seem to make frs ) ! ^ws on ! page4 ,all ^? lrs swim >.d l fi% 9 a pond4 ,j once1 ,i'd l to w9 an aw>d & get my picture p9n$ "r 9 ! c5t] ( ! bo>d4 ,x cd 2 = any?+4 ,l 2+ ! be/ tuna-fi% s&wi* eat]4 ,i'm r1lly gd at t4 ,or = fall+ asleep4 ,i c fall asleep 2f my eyes >e ev5 clos$4 ,b no "o gives \ aw>ds = ^? ?+s1 especially ! h1d ( my s*ool1 ,pr9cipal ,love4 ,he's got ------------------------------------#d a mole on 8 *eek t looks j l ! ,/atue ( ,lib]ty )\t ! tor*4 ,e "t he lauds = ! be/ a#d mole4 ,:5 ,emily & ,i r1*$ ! bullet9 bo>d1 my p>5ts 7 alr "!4 ,!y _h come e>ly to 2 sure !y didn't miss tak+ ev5 "o picture ( ,emily4 ,!y h a :ole photo album j = ,emily & h] aw>ds4 ,_! smiles 7 s big1 y cd see e "o ( _! tee?1 ev5 ! yell[ "os 9 ! back4 8,yoo-hoo1 kids10 my mom %\t$4 8,we're ov] "h60 ,my mom alw calls \ to u ------------------------------------#e z ?\< we c't see h]4 ,i don't "k :y %e does t4 ,my eyes >e "w+ f9e4 ,x's my bra9 t doesn't "w s well4 ,bo? my p>5ts 7 we>+ ! gre5 buttons \r s*ool gives \ t say ,,,i'm a pr\d ps #hg p>5t4,' ,i wond]$ if t m1nt !y 7 pr\d ( bo? ( u or j ,emily4 8,oh1 look10 ,emily sd4 8,! :ole family is "h = my special "d40 ------------------------------------#f 8,n exactly10 ,i po9t$ \4 8,if y notice1 ,*e]io's n "h40 #c 8,hank1 ,*e]io is a dog40 a#f 8,to y4 ,to me1 he's my "y] furry bro!r40 8,well1 he %dn't 2 "h4 ,he doesn't appreciate books40 8,>e y kidd+80 ,i sd4 8,he loves *ew+ on !m6 ,& ! "os he likes ! be/1 he pees on40 ,pr9cipal ,love >riv$ !n1 8 face lid4 ,!n he pull$ a picture ( ,emily \ ( a br[n manila 5velope4 8,oh1 look10 he sd4 8,"! >e alr ?umbtack holes 9 ! corn]s ( ? picture f ! la/ "t we put x up40 ,emily smil$ s big1 ,i ?"\ h] face 0 go+ to crack 9 half4 ,all ,i want$ to d 0 ?r[ up4 a#g ,pr9cipal ,love tack$ ,emily's picture onto ! c5t] ( ! bullet9 bo>d1 "r "u ! big black lrs t sd ------------------------------------#h ,,,r1d] ( ! mon?4,' ,he 0 c>e;l to use ! p9holes t 7 alr "!4 ,he'd probably get to use !m tw5ty m "ts 2f ! ye> 0 up4 8,"t = a photo opportun;y10 he sd z he clos$ ! case4 8,yr family c]ta9ly doesn't want to =get ? pr\d mo;t40 ,maybe ! re/ ( !m didn't1 b ,i sure did4 ,my memory is full ------------------------------------#i ( pr\d mo;ts ab ,emily 9 s*ool & k9d ( empty ab pr\d s*ool mo;ts ( me4 8,dad1 let me take ! picture10 ,i sd4 ,i ?"\ t at l1/ tak+ ! picture wd give me "s?+ to d1 r ?an j look+ l ! los] bro!r /&+ next to my w9n] si/]4 8,okay1 ,hank10 my dad sd1 hold+ \ 8 ph"o4 8,y take ! picture4 ,& try n to cut (f \r h1ds40 #e ,i left my mom's side & took ! a#i ph"o4 ,z ,i snapp$ ! photo1 ,i wond]$ if ! "d wd "e come :5 ,i wd get my [n special honor4 -------------------------------#aj-#aa ,,*apt] #b ,i didn't ?9k ! morn+ cd get worse1 b x did4 ,z ,i 0 walk+ to class1 ,nick ! ,tick ,mc,kelty gra2$ my backpack = no r1son & toss$ x 9to ! tra% c4 ,:5 ,i r1*$ 9to ! tra% to get x \1 ,i gra2$ a rott5 banana sk91 : slim$ all ov] my f+]s4 ,i'm n ev5 go+ to tell y ab ! old bal"oy s&wi* t 0 /uck to ! banana4 ,if t wasn't bad 5\<1 -----------------------------------#ab ,ms4 ,fl[]s surpris$ u ) a pop sci;e quiz on ,*apt] ,f\r4 ,x's r1lly h>d to take a te/ on ,*apt] ,f\r :5 ,i _hn't ev5 />t$ ,*apt] ,two yet4 ,i'm :at y call a sl[ r1d]4 ,a snail r1ds fa/] ?an ,i d4 ,! wor/ "p ( ! morn+ came :5 a#ab ,ms4 ,fl[]s sd we 7 go+ to ! libr>y4 ,i h no?+ ag/ ! libr>y4 ,9 fact1 :5 ,i see all ^? books on ! %elves1 ,i wi% ,i cd r1d e "o4 ,i imag9e /ories ab wiz>ds1 pirates1 & p :o ride dog sl$s acr ! ,>ctic & come face-to-face ) pol> be>s4 ,b ^? /ories >e made ( ^ws1 & ^ws >e made ( -----------------------------------#ac lrs t ,i c't s.d \4 ,all ^? libr>y books j /ay on ! %elf look+ d[n at me4 ,! "o gd ?+ ab ! libr>y is ,mrs4 ,k+1 ! libr>ian4 ,%e r1lly tries h>d to f9d books t ,i'd l4 ,! la/ "t ,i 0 "!1 %e h&$ me a book ab p5gu9s 9 ,ant>ctica4 ,i tri$ to r1d x1 b ! pictures 9 x made me feel s cold1 ,i _h to put on my ,mets sw1t%irt4 ,z we walk$ to ! libr>y1 my be/ fr ,a%ley 0 bu2l+ ov] ) id1s4 8,i c't wait to *eck \ ! next ,detective ,duck book10 %e sd4 8,!y're s funny4 ,! la/ "o quack$ me up40 #g ,despite my horrible "d1 ,i #ad bur/ \ lau<+4 8,f9ally1 "!'s a smile on yr face10 my o!r be/ fr1 ,frankie1 sd4 8,y've be5 d[n 9 ! dumps all morn+1 ,zip40 8,h[ wd y feel if yr ll si/] got all ! aw>ds & made y feel l y cd n"e d any?+ "r80 -----------------------------------#ae 8,y d a lot ( /uff "r10 ,a%ley sd4 8,y're a grt fr1 & y c tie a *]ry /em 9to a knot ) yr t;gue4 ,i bet ,emily c't d t40 ,by !n1 we _h r1*$ ! libr>y4 ,we wait$ 9 l9e :ile ,mrs4 ,k+ gave u 9/ruc;ns4 8,/ud5ts10 %e sd4 8,feel free to look >.d & pick a book to *eck \4 ,don't j /ay 9 yr favorite sec;n4 ,if y l my/]ies1 try pick+ a biography4 ,try "s?+ new40 8,i'm /ick+ ) ,detective ,duck10 ,a%ley :isp]$4 8,rememb] to use yr libr>y voices10 ,mrs4 ,k+ w5t on4 8,& :5 y take a book (f ! %elf1 a#ae -----------------------------------#af 2 sure to put x back ": x 2l;gs40 ,we w5t 9side1 & all ! kids spr1d \ to di6]5t sec;ns4 ,katie ,sp]l+ w5t to ! fantasy sec;n 9 se>* ( unicorns4 ,ryan ,%imozato 0 look+ = sports h]oes4 ,luke ,:itman j /ood "! pick+ 8 nose1 z usual4 8,y don't want to t\* a -----------------------------------#ag book t he's t\*$10 ,frankie :isp]$ to me4 8,t f+] has be5 places we n"e want to g40 8,y1h1 & ,i ?"\ ! banana peel 9 ! tra% c 0 slimy10 ,i sd4 8,i r1lly don't want to "k :y yr h& 0 9 ! tra% c10 ,frankie sd4 8,i c expla910 ,i answ]$4 8,maybe lat]10 ,frankie sd4 8,or maybe n"e4 ,y1h1 n"e "ws40 ,frankie w&]$ (f to ! sci;e sec;n4 ,he 0 look+ = a book ab robots4 ,i want$ to g to ! k9d]g>t5 sec;n1 2c all ^? books h m pictures ?an ^ws4 ,i #i 0 too emb>rass$1 s 9/1d ,i a#ag -----------------------------------#ah pull$ \ a book ab ,george ,wa%+ton4 ,i op5$ x up & />$ at a picture ( hm 9 8 :ite wig & fancy clo!s4 8,hank1 ,i didn't "k y 7 9t]e/$ 9 hi/ory10 a voice 2h me sd4 ,x 0 ,mr4 ,rock1 \r music t1*] & all->.d cool guy4 8,i c't put ? book d[n10 ,i sd to hm4 8,r1lly8 ,is x t gd80 8,no1 b ! p]son :o r1d x 2f me m/ h _h a p1nut-butt] s&wi*1 2c ! cov] is /uck to my h&s40 ,mr4 ,rock crack$ up1 : surpris$ me4 ,i didn't ev5 "k ,i 0 2+ funny4 -----------------------------------#ai 8,hank1 y h a grt s5se ( humor10 ,mr4 ,rock sd4 8,come ) me1 & ,i'll %[ y "s books ,i ?9k y'd r1lly l40 ,i pull$ ! book (f my h&s1 wip$ ! p1nut butt] onto my j1ns1 & foll[$ hm to a 4play table4 ,he pick$ up a book & %[$ me ! cov]1 : _h two kids dress$ 9 :ite space suits4 a#ai -----------------------------------#bj 8,? book is full ( adv5ture1 b x's funny1 too10 ,mr4 ,rock sd4 8,x's writt5 by a wond];l au?or1 ,paula ,h>t4 ,%e's a fr ( m9e1 & ,i ask$ h] to come sp1k at \r s*ool on ,fri"d40 8,i've n"e met a r1l au?or10 ,i sd4 8,y're go+ to love ? book10 ,mr4 ,rock sd4 8,ev5 ! title is grt1 don't y ?9k80 ,i look$ at ! title4 8.7,j\rney to ,japan.'10 ,i r1d al\d4 8,i bet ? book has a lot ( pictures ( volcanoes4 ,i saw a ,,tv %[ t sd "! >e ov] two hundr$ volcanoes 9 ,japan40 8,hank10 ,mr4 ,rock sd4 8,! cov] says .7,j\rney to ,jupit].'1 n -----------------------------------#ba .7,j\rney to ,japan.'4 ,x's ab a bun* ( kids :o set up ! f/ space colony on ! planet ,jupit]40 8,oh1 ,jupit]1 ( c\rse10 ,i sd4 8,t makes s5se4 ,t's :y ! kids >e #aa bo? dress$ 9 :ite space suits40 a#ba ,mr4 ,rock ru2$ 8 *9 l he 0 ?9k+4 ,!n he sd1 8,hank1 d y h tr\ble r1d+80 ,i lau<$1 a ll too h>d4 8,y c tell me if r1d+ is di6icult = y10 he w5t on4 8,y're n al"o1 y "k40 -----------------------------------#bb 8,well1 "s"ts ,i j get ! ;j ^ws mix$ up10 ,i sd1 n tell+ ! :ole tru?4 8,y "k1 l ,jupit]1 ,japan1 gira6e40 8,gira6e />ts ) a ;g1 n a ;j10 ,mr4 ,rock sd4 ,i def9itely did n want to 3t9ue ? 3v]sa;n4 ,i want$ to get \ ( "! z fa/ z ,i cd4 8,i'm go+ to g *eck ? book \ "r n[10 ,i sd to ,mr4 ,rock4 8,i'll let y "k h[ ,i l x40 8,i h ano!r idea10 ,mr4 ,rock sd4 8,ms4 ,adolf1 ,pr9cipal ,love1 & ,i >e go+ to select "s /ud5ts to welcome ,paula ,h>t to \r s*ool4 ,! w9n]s w -----------------------------------#bc 9troduce h] at ! assembly1 %[ h] >.d ,,ps #hg1 & make h] feel at home4 ,:y don't y try \8 ,i ?9k y'd d a a#bc grt job40 8,t s.ds 9cr$ible10 ,i sd4 8,maybe my frs ,a%ley & ,frankie c try \1 too80 8,:y n8 ,y'd 2 a welcom+ trio40 ,? 0 excit+4 8,:at d we h to d80 ,i ask$4 8,! rules h be5 po/$ on ! bullet9 bo>d \tside ,pr9cipal ,love's (fice = two weeks n[10 he sd4 8,i take x y didn't r1d !m40 8,i usually walk r1lly fa/ :5 ,i'm ne> ,pr9cipal ,love's -----------------------------------#bd (fice10 ,i sd4 8,j 9 case he wants to call me 9 & 4cuss my grades40 ,mr4 ,rock lau<$4 8,t makes s5se to me10 he sd4 8,s all y h to d is r1d ! book & come to ! try\ts tm4 ,!n tell u :at y lik$ ab ! book 9 yr [n ^ws40 8,does t m1n ,i h to r1d ! :ole book80 ,i ask$4 8,l1 />t at ! f/ page & g all ! way to ! 5d80 #ac ,mr4 ,rock lau<$ ag4 8,t's a#bd usually ! way a book is r1d4 ,tru/ me1 ,hank4 ,once y />t1 y won't 2 able to put d[n ? book40 -----------------------------------#be ,mr4 ,rock sure didn't "k ! 9side ( my bra94 ,i _h at l1/ a million r1sons :y ,i cdn't r1d t book4 ,9 fact1 "! 7 s _m t ,i cdn't possibly li/ !m all "h4 ,s ,i'm only go+ to give y f\r4 -----------------------------------#bf ,,*apt] #c ,,,f\r r1sons :y i cdn't r1d .7j\rney to jupit].' ",' ,,,by hank zipz],' #a4 ,:5 ,i look at a page 9 a book1 all ,i see >e lrs swimm+ >.d l big r$ ,sw$i% ,fi%4 ,& :at gd >e ,sw$i% ,fi% if y c't eat !m8 #b4 ,my eyes >e all]gic to r1d+4 ,!y don't sneeze4 ,!y j refuse to /ay op54 a#bf -----------------------------------#bg #c4 ,:5 ,i try to r1d1 my m9d immly goes on vaca;n4 ,once x w5t scuba div+ = buri$ tr1sure "r 9 ! middle ( a *apt] on megam\? %>ks4 #d4 ,i don't ev5 "k :at r1son ,numb] #d is4 ,i j "k t r1d+ makes me it*y all ov]4 -------------------------------#bh-#bi ,,*apt] #d ,x 0 ,fi% ,/ick ,delid ) "o h& & hold+ \r noses ) ! o!r4 ,i _h put .7,j\rney to ,jupit].' on my lun* tray1 ?9k+ t maybe if ,i kept x close1 ! ^ws wd magically fly 9to my bra94 8,let me get ? /rait1 b y've decid$ n to8 ,t doesn't make any s5se40 8,no10 ,i answ]$4 8,:at doesn't make s5se is ! fact t ,i'd h to r1d h] :ole book by tm4 ,"!'s no way ,i cd d t40 ,i gra2$ my plate ( fi% /icks1 b ! book took up s m* room on my tray1 "! 0 b>ely a place to put x d[n4 ,x didn't matt]1 anyway1 2c a l>ge sw1ty h& came swoop+ 9 & snat*$ ! plate "r -----------------------------------#ca \ ( my h&s4 ,! l>ge sw1ty h& 2l;g$ to ! l>ge sw1ty ,nick ,mc,kelty4 8,y snooze1 y lose1 ,zipp]butt10 he sd z he /u6$ "o ( ! fi% /icks 9to 8 m\?4 8,yr lun* 2l;gs to me40 8,give ,hank 8 lun* back10 ,a%ley sd4 8,t is 4gu/+1 tak+ food (f o!r p's trays40 -----------------------------------#cb ,mc,kelty didn't answ]4 ,he j op5$ 8 m\? & let \ "o ( 8 snorty rh9o laue;l n to sit too close to ,mc,kelty4 ,he 0 at ! table next to u1 suck+ 9 a giant pile ( food l a vacuum cl1n]4 8,back to ,paula ,h>t10 ,frankie -----------------------------------#cc sd4 8,%e writes ! coole/ books4 ,i've r1d !m all40 8,me too10 ,a%ley sd4 8,!y're n t h>d1 ,hank4 ,try x4 ,op5 ! book & r1d ! f/ c\ple ( s5t;es40 ,i took ! book (f my tray & op5$ x to ,*apt] ,"o4 ,i />$ at ! f/ s5t;e = a l;g "t4 ,"h is :at 0 writt53 .7,dress$ 9 _! :ite space suits1 ,s>ah & ,james look$ \ ! portal ( _! rocket & gaz$ d[n at ,jupit]4.' #ag ,i cle>$ my ?roat & r1d al\d4 a#cc 8,dress+ 9 :ale /1m%ips1 ,susan & ,james graz$ \ ! pothole at ,jupit]40 -----------------------------------#cd ,frankie & ,a%ley look$ at ea* o!r )\t a ^w4 8,h['d ,i d80 ,i ask$4 ,judg+ f ! looks on _! faces1 ,i wasn't too hope;l4 8,well1 x 0 def9itely 9t]e/+10 ,frankie sd4 8,& v cr1tive10 ,a%ley add$4 8,b ,i wasn't try+ to 2 -----------------------------------#ce cr1tive10 ,i expla9$4 8,i 0 j try+ to r1d ! ^ws on ! page4 ,& ,i didn't1 "r80 ,a%ley & ,frankie %ook _! h1ds4 8,see10 ,i sd4 8,i told y ,i c't r1d40 ,i he>d a l\d rh9o snort f ! table next to u4 8,t's 2c y're /upid1 ,zipp]tee?10 ,mc,kelty yell$4 8,y c't d any?+ "r40 ,a%ley & ,frankie jump$ up & m>*$ "r ov] to ,mrs4 ,crock1 :o 0 on a#ce lun*room duty4 8,nick ,mc,kelty is call+ ,hank "ns10 ,frankie sd4 ,& 2f y cd say ,fi% ,/ick ,delit40 8,t's n ! wor/ ?+ 9 ! _w10 ,frankie sd4 8,! only ?+ y'll miss is n gett+ yr picture on ! big bullet9 bo>d40 ,i ne>ly *ok$ on my dic$ p1*es4 8,:at did y say80 ,i ask$ ,frankie4 -----------------------------------#cg 8,i sd t ! welcom+ committee gets _! picture on ! big bullet9 bo>d by ! 5tr.e4 ,x says s on ! po/] = try\ts40 .7,! po/]6 ,"!'s ano!r ?+ ,i c't r1d4.' #ai 8,oh man1 ,i want my picture a#cg up "! m ?an any?+10 ,i sd4 8,j once1 ,i'd l to %[ ,emily t ,i c get a special honor1 too40 8,hey1 we're "h to help10 ,a%ley sd4 8,:at's ! plan80 8,well1 ,mr4 ,rock sd we cd 2 a trio4 ,h[ ab if y guys try \ ) me & help me d :at ,i c't d80 8,"!'s n m* "t4 ,! -----------------------------------#ch try\ts >e tm10 ,frankie sd4 8,:at >e y do+ af s*ool td80 ,i ask$4 8,i 0 go+ to make dumpl+s ) my gr&ma10 ,a%ley sd4 8,& ,i 0 go+ to play cat* ) my bro!r10 ,frankie sd4 8,well1 say gdbye to dumpl+s & baseball10 ,i sd4 8,let's meet 9 ! base;t clubh\se4 ,>e y in80 8,in60 ,frankie sd4 8,i'll tell my bro!r t we'll play cat* tm 9/1d40 8,& ,i'll tell ,gr&ma "s?+ r1lly important came up10 ,a%ley sd4 8,%e alw "u/&s40 #ci 8,grt4 ,!n ! f/ meet+ ( ! ,get-,\r-,pictures-on-!-,bullet9-,bo>d ,club w />t at f\r o'clock %>p40 ,i _h no idea :at we 7 go+ to d at t meet+4 ,all ,i knew 0 t ,i wd br+ my mom's *ocolate-*ip cookies & a j> ( ,papa ,pete's pickles1 & t 0 a gd />t4 -------------------------------#dj-#da ,,*apt] #e ,at exactly f\r o'clock t afn1 we met 9 ! base;t ( \r a"p;t build+4 ,\r clubh\se is r1lly a /oreroom next to ! laundry room4 ,p keep furniture & boxes "! t !y don't want 9 _! a"p;ts4 ,"!'s al a com=table old fl[]$ c\* we love to sit on4 ,! only ?+ is1 if y flop d[n on x too h>d1 y cd 4appe> 9 all ! du/ t flies \ ( xs cu%ions4 -----------------------------------#db ,i put a t9 ( *ocolate-*ip cookies & a j> ( pickles d[n on ! c>dbo>d #ba box we use = a table4 a#db 8,no "o eats cookies & pickles tgr10 ,frankie sd1 mak+ a face4 8,y don't eat !m tgr10 ,i expla9$4 8,f/1 y take a m\?;l ( cookie4 ,y swall[ x1 !n g 9 = ! pickle4 ,sweet1 s\r1 sweet1 s\r4 ,tru/ me1 yr t;gue is go+ to /& up & d.e40 ,frankie & ,a%ley tri$ my cookie-pickle combo1 b x wasn't a big hit4 -----------------------------------#dc 8,ewww10 !y bo? sd at once4 8,okay !n1 let's get d[n to busi;s10 ,i sd4 8,mr4 ,rock sd t = ! try\ts1 we h to say :at we lik$ ab .7,j\rney to ,jupit].'4 ,i actually h a c\ple ( ?+s ,i did l40 8,t's a gd />t10 ,frankie sd4 8,l :at80 8,yes1 tell u1 ,mr4 ,zipz]10 ,a%ley sd1 imitat+ a t1*]'s voice4 ,i /ood up & held ! book 9 my h&s l ,i 0 giv+ an oral report4 8,f/ ( all1 ,i l ! color ( ! #dd cov]10 ,i 2gan4 8,i ?9k books ) purple cov]s h ! be/ /ories4 ,& ,i l ! smell ( ! pap]4 ,i al l t "! >e illu/ra;ns4 ,mo/ ( all1 ,i l t :5 y put ? book d[n on top ( a bun* ( pap]s1 x /ops !m f bl[+ away 9 ! w9d40 8,b1 ,hank10 ,a%ley sd 9 a supportive voice4 8,y h to tell :at ! /ory is ab40 8,t's a problem1 2c ,i hav5't r1d ! book10 ,i sd1 flopp+ d[n onto ! c\*4 ,t cr1t$ a du/ /orm "r "! 9 ! /orage room4 ,we all sneez$ at once4 -----------------------------------#de 8,we c help y ) t1 ,zip10 ,frankie sd4 8,j />t r1d+ x al\d1 & we'll help y ) ! ^ws y don't "k40 8,gd idea10 ,i sd4 8,we'll 2 d"o ) ! book ab two ye>s f next ,*ri/mas40 8,t's a gd po9t10 ,a%ley sd4 8,we >e up ag/ a "t -----------------------------------#df crun* "h4 ,s maybe we %d j tell y all ab ! book40 #bc 8,y1h10 ,frankie sd4 8,"k+ ! a#df /ory w make x m* easi] = y to r1d x on yr [n40 ,a%ley 2gan4 8,! book />ts :5 ,s>ah & ,james >rive at ! f/ space colony on ,jupit]10 %e sd4 8,2f !y c settle in1 !y come face-to-face ) a horrible cr1ture !y've n"e se5 2f40 8,x's huge & angry10 ,frankie w5t on1 8& *ases !m 9to ! c5t] ( a sup]/orm4 ,all ( a sudd51 x grabs !m & holds !m close to xs /icky *e/40 -----------------------------------#dg 8,w[1 t s.ds s sc>y10 ,i sd4 8,y1h10 ,a%ley agre$4 8,b ! funny "p is t ! cr1ture is suck+ on a baby bottle fill$ ) purple slime4 ,& :5 ! cr1ture burps1 x splatt]s ! slime all ov] ,s>ah's helmet40 8,: m1ns t %e c't see ! gl[+ space pirate rid+ t[>d h] on a giant spoon10 ,frankie add$4 ,! /ory 0 9t]rupt$ by a l\d knock on ! door4 ,i ne>ly jump$ \ ( my sk94 8,"!'s a space pirate at ! door10 ,i sd1 ) a %iv]4 a#dg ,x wasn't a space pirate4 -----------------------------------#dh ,x 0 ,a%ley's gr&ma1 & by ! way1 %e wasn't rid+ a spoon4 8,a%ley1 ,i've be5 look+ all ov] = y10 %e sd4 8,! dumpl+s >e r1dy to 2 /u6$40 ,!n %e turn$ to ,frankie4 8,& yr "m sd = me to tell y yr bro!r is wait+ to play ball40 -----------------------------------#di 8,looks l we h to g10 ,a%ley sd4 8,b :at ab ! re/ ( ! /ory80 ,i ask$4 8,zip1 we're s sorry10 ,frankie sd4 8,ask "s"o 9 yr family to help y r1d ! re/ ( ! book4 ,ask yr dad40 .7,"r4 ,"!'s a gd idea4 ,8 o!r "n is ,mr4 ,pati;e4.' ,we all rode up 9 ! elevator tgr4 ,a%ley & h] gr&ma got (f at ! ?ird floor4 ,frankie got (f at ! f\r?1 & ,i rode all ! way to ! t5? floor by myf4 8,hey1 ,dad10 ,i sd z ,i walk$ 9to ! a"p;t4 8,c y help me ) "s?+80 #be ,he 0 sitt+ at ! d9+-room #ej table 9 front ( 8 comput]4 ,t's ": he "ws4 8,i j h a m9ute10 he sd1 n"e tak+ 8 eyes (f 8 comput] scre54 8,i've got to get ? report 9 td40 ,i knew r1d+ .7,j\rney to ,jupit].' wd take m ?an a m9ute4 ,9 fact1 x mi4 -----------------------------------#ea 8,t's okay1 ,dad4 ,i'll figure x \ on my [n40 ,i slipp$ 9to my room4 ,*e]io foll[$ me4 8,okay1 ,*e]io1 x's y & me10 ,i sd1 tak+ .7,j\rney to ,jupit].' \ ( my backpack4 8,? is call$ a book4 ,i "k y want to *ew x1 b y c't 2c ,i h to r1d x40 ,*e]io sat d[n on ! rug1 & ,i sat d[n 9 my desk *air4 8,? book takes place on ,jupit]10 ,i 2gan4 ,*e]io yawn$4 8,i'm go+ to ask y n to yawn #eb ag10 ,i told hm4 8,x's n gd = my 3fid;e40 ,i po9t$ to ! picture on ! cov]4 8,? is ,s>ah4 ,& ? is ,james40 ,*e]io yawn$ ag1 ? "t lett+ \ a ll yip4 8,*e]io1 didn't ,i j ask y n to d t8 ,come on1 give a guy a br1k4 ,n[1 pay att5;n 2c ,i'm go+ to r1d ! f/ page4 ,& af t1 ,i only h "o hundr$ tw5ty-sev5 m to r1d40 ,i cle>$ my ?roat & 2gan4 8.7,j\rney to ,jupit].' by ,paula ,h>t1 ) illu/ra;ns by ,scott ,gre540 -----------------------------------#ec ,t's z f> z ,i got4 ,all ( a sudd51 ,*e]io keel$ ov] onto ! rug4 ,i m1n1 he w5t f 2+ wide awake to snor+ l a be>4 8,okay1 ,hank10 ,i sd to myf4 8,y c r1d ? book on yr [n4 ,o!r p d40 ,i mov$ f my *air to my b$1 flu6$ up my pill[1 & put x 2h my back4 ,i took ! book 9 my h&s & turn$ to #bg ,*apt] ,"o4 a#ec ,t's ! la/ ?+ ,i rememb]1 2c 9 no "t1 ,i 0 snor+ l a be>1 too4 -------------------------------#ed-#ee ,,*apt] #f ,if y're wond]+ if ,i f9i%$ .7,j\rney to ,jupit].'1 y c /op wond]+ n[4 ,! answ] is a big fat no4 ,x's n t ,i didn't want to r1d x4 ,i saw ! lrs on ! page2 ,i j cdn't s.d !m \4 ,t's :y :5 ,frankie1 ,a%ley1 & ,i walk$ 9to ! try\ts ! next "d1 ,i wasn't feel+ my mo/ 3fid5t4 ,we took \r s1ts on ! big color;l c>pet 9 ! middle ( ! libr>y1 ! place ": ,mrs4 ,k+ holds all \r r1d+ assemblies4 -----------------------------------#ef ,we :isp]$ to "o ano!r1 mak+ a plan t we hop$ wd "w4 8,i'll />t10 ,a%ley :isp]$1 82c ,i c summ>ize ! /ory r1lly well40 8,i'll g next10 ,frankie sd4 8,i'll tell all ab ! ma9 "*s4 ,zip1 y c wrap x up40 a#ef 8,:at am ,i go+ to say80 ,i :isp]$ 9 a panic4 8,y "k ,i hav5't f9i%$ ! book yet40 8,": >e y up to80 ,a%ley ask$4 8,! middle ( page "o10 ,i answ]$4 ,! libr>y door op5$1 & ! judges walk$ in4 ,"! 0 ,ms4 ,adolf1 :o1 z alw1 0 dress$ -----------------------------------#eg all 9 gray4 ,h] skirt 0 gray1 h] %oes 7 gray1 h] hair 0 gray1 ev5 h] knees 7 gray4 ,pr9cipal ,love foll[$ h]1 8 ,velcro sn1k]s squ1k+ all ! way acr ! libr>y floor4 ,la/ 0 ,mr4 ,rock1 :o smil$ & wav$ at all ! kids z he b\nc$ in4 ,!y sat d[n & call$ up ! f/ p]son4 ,%e 0 ,grace ,i-don't-rememb]-h]-la/-"n1 a ?ird-grad] :o us$ -----------------------------------#eh s _m big ^ws %e s.d$ l a walk+ dic;n>y4 ,ms4 ,adolf 0 s impress$ t ,i ?"\ ,i saw a smile try+ to #bi escape f h] lips4 a#eh ,! next p to try \ 7 two girls f ! ?ird grade4 ,!y gi7l$ f ! mo;t !y /ood up until ,pr9cipal ,love ask$ !m to /ep 9to ! hall to get 3trol ( !mvs4 ,!y n"e came back4 ,af !m 0 ,luke ,:itman1 :o is actually a v gd r1d]4 ,x's "o ( ! few ?+s he c d ) "o h& :ile pick+ 8 nose ) ! o!r4 ,af ,luke 0 ,h1!r ,payne1 ! talle/ girl 9 \r class1 :o does "ey?+ p]fectly4 ,( c\rse1 %e did a p]fect job4 -----------------------------------#ei 8,h[ >e we go+ to foll[ t80 ,i :isp]$ to ,frankie & ,a%ley1 s9k+ l[] 9 my s1t4 8,d y want to get yr picture on t bullet9 bo>d or n80 ,frankie ask$4 ,t's all ,i ne$$ to he>4 ,i got fir$ up & r1dy to g1 : 0 a gd ?+1 2c we 7 next4 ,:5 we /ood 9 front ( ! judges1 ,i fla%$ my be/ smile1 ! "o fill$ ) my ,zipz] attitude4 ,ms4 ,adolf />$ at me l %e _h j lick$ a s\r lemon4 a#ei ,a%ley & ,frankie ea* did an amaz+ job ( describ+ ! plot & ! ma9 "*s4 ,!n x 0 my turn4 -----------------------------------#fj 8,y don't ne$ to he> me 4cuss .7,j\rney to ,jupit].'10 ,i 2gan1 82c my t1mmates alr cov]$ t4 ,9/1d1 ,i'm go+ to 4cuss h[ we c %[ ,paula ,h>t ! be/ "t "e1 "h at ,,ps #hg40 ,mr4 ,rock gave me an 5c\rag+ smile4 8,f/ ( all1 we cd give h] "s pickles f my mom's deli1 2c "ey"o loves a dill pickle4 ,we cd 2 v polite & ?ank h] = visit+ u4 ,we cd make h] lau<4 ,= 9/.e1 ,i h a grt joke ab ,jupit]4 ,want to he> x80 8,no10 sd ,ms4 ,adolf4 8,yes10 sd ,mr4 ,rock4 -----------------------------------#fa ,i didn't wait = ,pr9cipal ,love to answ]4 8,knock1 knock10 ,i sd4 8,:o's "!80 sd ,mr4 ,rock4 8,jupit]10 ,i sd ) a gr94 #ca 8,jupit] :o80 a#fa 8,ju-pi-t] hurry1 or y'll miss ! bus40 ,mr4 ,rock crack$ up4 ,i cd tell ,pr9cipal ,love lik$ x 2c ! mole on 8 *eek did ! hula4 ,! o!r kids 9 ! libr>y lau<$ \ l\d4 ,only ,ms4 ,adolf didn't crack a smile4 8,"! is no lau<+ 9 ! libr>y10 %e gr[l$4 8,in fact1 ? t1m is \ ( ! runn+ = 2+ too silly40 -----------------------------------#fb 8,n s fa/1 ,ms4 ,adolf10 ,mr4 ,rock sd4 8,i "k ,paula ,h>t1 & %e's a v funny p]son4 ,%e puts humor 9 all h] books4 ,i ?9k %e'd get a big kick \ ( ,hank & 8 t1m4 ,!y're my f/ *oice40 ,w[4 ,i cdn't 2lieve my e>s4 ,my eyes mov$ to ,pr9cipal ,love4 ,he 0 go+ to 2 ! decid+ vote4 ,i wi% ,i "u/ood :at he sd next4 8,humor is al "kn by ! ^w ,8com$y1,00 he 2gan4 8,x is ! opposite ( drama1 : is s]i\s & does n 9volve laut is an appropriate a#fb o3a.n = laud 9 my m9d4 ,"! 0 my picture1 gr9n+ at "ey"o :o pass$ by4 ,get r1dy1 bullet9 bo>d4 ,"h ,i come6 -------------------------------#fd-#fe ,,*apt] #g ,on ,fri"d1 ,frankie1 ,a%ley1 & ,i got all dress$ up 9 \r be/ #cc clo!s1 ! "os t \r p>5ts make u a#fe we> :5 we g \ to d9n] ) !m4 ,x 0 v uncom=table sitt+ 9 class we>+ my blue suit4 ,x made me feel l ,i want$ to scrat* all ov]4 ,f9ally1 at elev5 o'clock1 ,ms4 ,fl[]s 4miss$ u s t we cd g welcome ,paula ,h>t4 ,we hurri$ d[n ! hall to ! 5tr.e ( \r s*ool4 -----------------------------------#ff ,pr9cipal ,love /ood on ! /eps ) u z we wait$ = ,paula ,h>t to >rive4 ,i 0 excit$ to meet a r1l au?or4 ,i 0 n]v\s1 too1 "k+ t ,i _hn't f9i%$ h] book yet4 ,9 fact1 ,i / _hn't f9i%$ ,*apt] ,"o4 ,a yell[ taxi pull$ up 9 front ( \r s*ool4 ,2f ! door op5$1 a woman ) purple /r1ks 9 h] hair pok$ h] h1d \ ( ! w9d[4 8,hi1 kids60 %e %\t$4 8,is ? ,,ps #hg80 8,yes1 x is10 we %\t$ back4 8,well1 !n ,i'm 9 ! "r place10 %e sd ) a big lau<4 ,! taxi door flew op51 & a#ff -----------------------------------#fg \ came ,paula ,h>t4 ,! f/ ?+ ,i notic$ 0 h] %oes,-p9k1 glitt]y >my boots ) purple %oelaces4 ,%e _h silv] r+s on e f+] & a l;g dress ) gira6es all ov] x4 ,y cdn't miss h] e>r+s1 : 7 sp>kly books cov]$ ) r$ rh9e/"os4 -----------------------------------#fh 8,oh my go%10 ,ms4 ,h>t sd1 walk+ "r up to ,a%ley4 8,i love yr rh9e/"o glasses4 ,z f> z ,i'm 3c]n$1 a p]son c't sp>kle 5\<40 ,a%ley gi7l$ s m*1 %e =got :at %e 0 suppos$ to say4 ,frankie /uck 8 h& \ & jump$ 9to ! 3v]sa;n4 8,welcome to \r s*ool10 he sd to ,ms4 ,h>t4 8,i'm ,frankie ,t[ns5d1 & ? is ,a%ley ,w;g & ,hank ,zipz]4 ,we're ! welcom+ committee4 ,we >e all look+ =w>d to he>+ y sp1k40 8,my oh my1 y h a grt h&%ake10 ,ms4 ,h>t sd1 -----------------------------------#fi pump+ ,frankie's >m s h>d x made #ce 8 h1d ji7le4 a#fi 8,hey1 look10 ,i sd to h]4 8,y turn$ my be/ fr 9to a bo2leh1d doll4 ,maybe ,i c put hm on ! %elf ) my baseball-play] collec;n4 ,i h six bo2leh1ds4 ,i got ! la/ "o :5 my gr&pa took me to a ,mets nit does n want to he> ! details ( yr toy collec;n40 8,>e y kidd+ me80 ,ms4 ,h>t sd4 8,i am a huge fan ( bo2leh1d dolls4 ,i h a r1lly -----------------------------------#gj cool hula d.er /&+ "r next to my comput] & a ji7ly wi5] dog on my kit*5 w9d[sill40 8,i h a wi5] dog1 too10 ,i sd4 8,b he's r1l4 ,& 8 "n is ,*e]io4 ,i "nd hm t 2c :5 he *ases 8 tail1 he sp9s 9 a circle & looks l a ,*e]io40 ,ms4 ,h>t lau<$ s h>d t ,i ?"\ ! six?-grade class on ! ?ird floor cd he> h]4 a#gj 8,i l y1 ,hank10 %e sd4 8,y're funny4 ,i 0 a funny kid1 too1 : alw got me 9to tr\ble ) my t1*]s40 8,me too10 ,i :isp]$4 ,%e gave me a fi/ bump4 -----------------------------------#ga 8,f n[ on1 call me ,paula10 %e sd4 ,& !n %e w9k$ at me4 8,! second- & ?ird-grade classes >e wait+ = u 9 ! libr>y10 ,pr9cipal ,love sd4 8,*n1 let's %[ ,ms4 ,h>t ! way40 ,he turn$ & l$ u 9to s*ool & d[n ! ma9 hall to ! libr>y4 ,we pass$ ! bullet9 bo>d ) my si/]'s face pla/]$ "r 9 ! middle ( x4 ,! hall 0 quiet1 & we cd he> ,pr9cipal ,love's ,velcro sn1k]s squ1k+ acr ! floor4 -----------------------------------#gb 8,x s.ds l he's got a live m\se 9 8 %oes10 ,paula :isp]$ to u4 ,we cov]$ \r m\?s s we didn't lau< too l\d4 ,pr9cipal ,love gl.ed ov] 8 %\ld] ) a look t sd1 8,2have yrvs40 ,t look ev5 wip$ ! smile (f ,paula #cg ,h>t's face4 ,:5 we r1*$ ! a#gb libr>y1 ! ,que5 ( ,wipe-,t-,smile-,(f-,yr-,face1 ,ms4 ,adolf1 0 wait+ 9 ! doorway4 8,i'm glad y're f9ally "h10 ,ms4 ,adolf sd4 8,i've _h a h>d "t keep+ ! *n sitt+ / on ! rug40 8,t's okay10 ,paula sd4 -----------------------------------#gc 8,!y c squirm a ll4 ,i don't m9d40 8,i'm k9d ( squirmy myf10 ,i pip$ up4 8,x's n "s?+ to brag ab1 ,h5ry10 ,ms4 ,adolf sd4 ,mr4 ,rock came "r ov] to ,paula & gave h] a hug & a smile4 ,!y look$ l !y 7 gd frs1 & ,i cd see :y4 ,!y 7 bo? r1lly cool p4 ,we w5t 9side ! libr>y4 ,mrs4 ,k+ 0 /&+ at ! front1 ) a huge smile on h] face4 ,%e's a p]son :o loves books1 & any?+ t has to d ) !m4 ,paula wav$ & all ! second- & ?ird-grad]s *e]$4 ,i took a b[ & "ey"o lau<$1 9clud+ ,paula1 #gd ,mrs4 ,k+1 & ,mr4 ,rock4 8,:o's 9troduc+ me80 ,paula ask$4 8,i w10 ,i answ]$4 ,i spun >.d & *eck$ ) ,frankie & ,a%ley4 8,if x's okay ) y guys1 t is40 -----------------------------------#ge 8,g ah1d1 ,hank10 ,a%ley sd4 8,y'll d a grt job40 ,paula fla%$ me a big smile4 8,take x away1 ,hank10 %e sd4 ,i /ood on my tiptoes 9 front ( ! microph"o4 8,td we >e lucky to h a fam\s au?or ) u4 ,%e writes grt books = kids1 & ,i j f.d \ t %e's al r1lly funny4 ,let's give a w>m ,,ps #hg welcome to ,paula ,h>t40 ,"ey"o clapp$4 ,frankie1 ,a%ley1 & ,i sat d[n 9 ! front r[4 ,paula />t$ h] spee*1 : wasn't r1lly a spee*4 ,%e talk$ to u l we 7 j hang+ >.d hav+ a pizza tgr4 ,%e didn't ev5 -----------------------------------#gf use notes4 ,%e r1d u an excit+ #ci *apt] f .7,j\rney to ,jupit].'4 a#gf ,afw1 ,frankie & ,a%ley ask$ = "qs4 ,h1!r ,payne put up h] h&4 8,:at made y want to 2come a writ]80 %e ask$4 8,i alw knew deep d[n t ,i want$ to 2 a writ]10 ,paula sd4 8,i lov$ to "ddr1m ab excit+ adv5tures4 ,o!r kids ?"\ ,i 0 weird4 ,b a v sm>t t1*] told me to pay att5;n to ! voice 9side t made me special1 no matt] :at o!r p ?"\40 -----------------------------------#gg ,"ey"o li/5$ c>e;lly except ,nick ,mc,kelty4 ,he j let \ ano!r "o ( 8 rh9o snorts & %\t$1 8,zipz] %d "k all ab t4 ,he's weird40 ,my face turn$ r$1 & ,i want$ to 4appe>4 ,?ank gd;s = ,paula ,h>t4 8,maybe ,hank w 2 a writ] :5 he gr[s up10 %e sd1 smil+ at me4 8,he's c]ta9ly orig9al 5\<40 ,my face turn$ r$ ag1 b ? "t1 ,i 0 blu%+ 2c ,i 0 pr\d4 8,2f we take m "qs10 ,paula sd1 8,i want a#gg -----------------------------------#gh y to he> "s?+ v important4 ,y all h grt;s 9 y4 ,y don't "k :at y c a3ompli% until y try4 ,n[1 :o's got ano!r "q80 ,( c\rse1 ,nick ,mc,kelty's h& %ot up4 8,my "q is = ,hank ,zipz]10 he sd4 8,he's a v 9t]e/+ p]son10 sd ,paula4 8,i h a lot ( "qs = hm myf4 ,hank1 come on up "h & %>e ! /age ) me40 ,i took my place next to h]4 ,i didn't h a gd feel+ ab ?4 -----------------------------------#gi 8,my favorite "p ( .7,j\rney to ,jupit].' 0 ,*apt] ,five10 ,mc,kelty 2gan4 8,i want to "k :at ,zipz] ?"\ ab t *apt]1 :5 ,james surpris$ ,s>ah ) 8 plan40 ,i r1liz$ :at ,mc,kelty 0 up to4 ,he knew ,i h tr\ble r1d+ & _hn't f9i%$ ! book4 ,he 0 j try+ to trick me & emb>rass me ag4 ,b ,i wasn't go+ to let hm get away ) t4 #da 8,actually1 ,nick1 ,i h to a#gi 4agree ) y10 ,i sd4 8,i ?9k ,*apt] ,six 0 m* m excit+4 ,especially ! way x 5d$40 .7,take t1 ,nick ,mc,kelty1.' -----------------------------------#hj ,i ?"\ to myf4 ,i 0 happy to see hm %ut 8 slo2]y m\? & put 8 beefy h& d[n4 ,b ,i wasn't prep>$ = :at happ5$ next4 ,paula ,h>t broke 9to a big smile4 8,t's amaz+1 ,hank10 %e sd4 8,2c ,*apt] ,six is my favorite1 too4 ,tell me1 :at "p did y ?9k 0 mo/ excit+80 .1,oh .1no6 ,i cd feel e eyeball 9 ! libr>y look+ at me1 wait+ = me to answ]4 ,! kids4 ,ms4 ,adolf4 ,mr4 ,rock4 ,pr9cipal ,love4 ,frankie & ,a%ley4 ,& mo/ ( all1 ,paula ,h>t4 -----------------------------------#ha ,my he>t felt l x 0 fall+ \ ( my *e/ & d[n to my feet4 ,i took a deep br1?4 ,i op5$ my m\?4 ,& ! only ?+ t came \ 0 a gulp4 ,,*apt] #h #hb-#hc ,x felt l ,i /ood "! = at l1/ two weeks1 ) a big spotli ,ms4 ,adolf say+1 8,h5ry1 we're wait+1 & we don't h all "d4 ,answ] ! "q40 ,i look$ ov] at ,frankie & ,a%ley 9 ! front r[1 hop+ !y cd s5d me bra9 waves fill$ ) details ( ,*apt] ,six4 ,b "! 0 no?+ !y cd d4 ,my :ole body _h turn$ ice -----------------------------------#hd cold1 : is :at happ5s to me :5 ,i'm r1lly sc>$4 .7,?9k1 ,hank4 ,?9k ( "s?+4 ,any?+4.' ,i figur$ ,i _h s"eal *oices4 ,i cd bolt \ ( ! room & run all ! way to ,p]u & ride llamas = ! re/ ( my life4 ,i cd admit 9 front ( "ey"o t ,i _hn't ev5 f9i%$ ! f/ *apt] ( .7,j\rney to ,jupit].'4 ,\*4 ,or ,i cd g = x4 #dc ,& s9ce ,i'm a g-=-x k9d ( a#hd guy1 ,i w5t = x4 ,i knew no?+ ab ,*apt] ,six1 or ,sev51 or ,eit4 8,oh1 ,hank10 %e sd4 8,"ey?+ y say is s orig9al40 ,t gave me ! 3fid;e to g on4 ,i cd feel my body w>m+ up & my t;gue />t+ to move4 8,i ?"\ ! mo/ excit+ "p 0 :5 ,james & ,s>ah 5t]$ ! ,cave ( ,doom & saw t ! gr.d look$ alive10 ,i 2gan4 8,& x 0 2c ?\s&s ( space 9sects cov]$ e 9* ( ! cave floor4 ,!y _h poison\s /+]s1 & if "o ( !m bit y1 y wd gr[ hair \ ( yr eyes40 -----------------------------------#hf ,i look$ ov] at ,paula1 & %e didn't say a ^w1 s ,i w5t on4 a#hf 8,:5 a :ole colony ( ! space 9sects crawl$ up ,james's leg1 ,s>ah w5t 9to battle1 swatt+ !m (f ) h] ?ick glove4 ,!y tri$ to eat _! way 9to h] space suit until %e attack$ !m ) ! las] b1m t %ot \ ( ! top ( h] helmet40 ,paula got a big smile on h] face1 & ,i ?"\ ,i 0 home free4 ,my imag9a;n _h p]sonal;y1 & x _h sav$ me ag4 ,!n ,i he>d ,mc,kelty's voice4 8,:at book did y r1d80 he holl]$4 8,"! >5't any space 9sects 9 .7,j\rney to ,jupit].'40 8,no1 "! >5't10 answ]$ -----------------------------------#hg ,paula1 8b "! sure %d h be54 ,:at ,hank j describ$ 0 m* m excit+ ?an my ,*apt] ,six40 8,x was80 ,i sd4 ,my e>s cdn't 2lieve :at !y 7 he>+4 8,%d ,i g on80 ,2f ,i knew x1 ,ms4 ,adolf 0 /&+ next to me1 w$g$ 9 2t ,paula & me4 ,%e 0 s close1 ,i cd smell h] gray;s4 #de 8,on 2half ( ,,ps #hg10 %e sd1 #hh 8,i wd l to apologize = ,mr4 ,zipz]'s 4respect;l 2havior4 ,cle>ly1 he made up ? silly /ory4 ,he has no busi;s fill+ ! room ) s* nons5se40 8,) all respect1 ,ms4 ,adolf1 ,i h to 4agree ) y10 ,paula sd4 8,true1 ,hank didn't tell ! /ory ,i wrote1 b he told 8 [n /ory4 ,i admire 8 cr1tiv;y4 ,cr1tiv;y is a gift1 don't y ?9k1 ,mr4 ,rock80 8,x c]ta9ly is10 ,mr4 ,rock answ]$4 8,z a music t1*]1 x's :at ,i look = mo/ 9 my /ud5ts4 ,y c't make any k9d ( >t )\t lett+ yr imag9a;n loose40 -----------------------------------#hi ,ms4 ,adolf's gray face turn$ beet r$1 l %e 0 a balloon ab to pop4 8,all ? talk ab cr1tiv;y & imag9a;n10 %e grumbl$4 8,? is s*ool1 n play"t40 ,!n %e turn$ & />$ at me l %e cd see "r "? me4 8,"y man1 y did n d :at y 7 ask$ to d10 %e sd4 8,y did n take yr assign;t s]i\sly4 ,imag9a;n is n alw a#hi 5\<40 8,actually10 ,paula sd1 8imag9a;n is "ey?+ :5 y >e a writ]4 ,i see a future writ] 9 ,hank4 ,t boy tells an excit+ /ory1 don't y ?9k1 kids80 -----------------------------------#ij ,"ey"o nodd$4 8,i r1lly lik$ ^? space bugs10 sd ,luke ,:itman f ! back ( ! room4 8,& ,i lik$ t ,s>ah sav$ ,james10 ,h1!r ,payne sd4 8,x's cool :5 a girl gets to save a boy40 8,i c't wait to he> :at happ5s next10 ,ryan ,%imozato sd4 8,y1h1 ,hank1 tell u m10 ,katie ,sp]l+ %\t$ \4 8,hank1 d y "k :at happ5s next80 ,paula ask$ me4 8,no1 b ,i c make x up10 ,i answ]$4 8,t's :at writ]s d10 %e sd4 8,! _w is wait+ -----------------------------------#ia to he> yr /ories1 ,hank ,zipz]4 ,n"e =get t40 #dg ,all ! kids 9 ! libr>y />t$ a#ia to clap4 ,frankie & ,a%ley l$ a *e] t sd1 8,g1 ,hank ,zipz]6 ,g1 ,hank ,zipz]60 ,mr4 ,rock gave me a ?umbs-up4 ,! only two s\r faces 9 ! room 7 ,ms4 ,adolf's & ,nick ,mc,kelty's4 ,b ,i didn't c>e ev5 a ll bit4 ,sudd5ly1 my h1d 0 swimm+ ) /ories4 ,i felt l a writ]1 & tru/ me1 t felt v cool4 -----------------------------------#ib ,,*apt] #i ,,,a million /ories t popp$ "r 9to my h1d,' ,,,by hank zipz],' #a4 ,! ,pickle ,t ,ran = ,presid5t 444 & ,kept on ,runn+ #b4 ,h[ ! ,rais9 ,lo/ ,xs ,wr9kles -----------------------------------#ic #c4 ,osc>3 ! ,amaz+ ,octopus ,:o ,ju7l$ ,c\* ,pill[s a#ic ,i'd tell y ev5 m /ories1 b my bra9 doesn't h any m room 2c x's ?9k+ t x ne$s a tuna s&wi* 444 no tomatoes1 ( c\rse4 -------------------------------#id-#ie ,,*apt] #aj ,af ! assembly1 all ! kids ga!r$ >.d me1 ask+ ab :at happ5s next 9 my /ory4 8,": d all ! space bugs g80 ,katie ask$4 8,d ,s>ah & ,james bla/ !m 9to \t] space ) _! las] b1ms80 ,ryan ask$4 8,i bet _! blood is gre5 & slimy1 l snot10 ,luke ,:itman sd4 ,i h to admit1 x 0 fun to 2 9 ! spotli-old bir?"d "py4 ,boy1 t 0 messy4 ,"o m9ute1 no "o 0 look+ at me4 ,! next1 "eybody 0 runn+ at me ) pap] t[els4 #di ,i l[]$ my voice & told all ! a#if kids to l1n 9 close4 ,i didn't expect !m to get t close4 8,hey1 guys1 give ! man "s br1?+ room10 ,frankie sd4 8,yes10 ,a%ley add$4 8,hank's cr1tiv;y ne$s space40 8,okay10 ,i 2gan1 8"h's :at happ5s next4 ,! space bugs />t to vibrate & make a hi< s.d l a scree*+ sir54 ,!n a rock turtle1 f.d only on ,jupit]1 falls -----------------------------------#ig f ! ceil+ ( ! cave4 ,? k9d ( turtle has no %ell1 j dry1 crack$ sk940 8,eeuuw10 sd ,katie ,sp]l+4 8,t's gross40 8,y hav5't he>d any?+ yet10 ,i sd4 8,! space bugs /+ ! turtle1 & hair spr\ts f xs sk9 & eyeballs4 ,x looks l x has a %ell ( hair40 8,a hair %ell10 sd ,luke ,:itman4 8,t's cool40 ,f ! corn] ( my eye1 ,i cd see ,ms4 ,adolf /omp+ ov] to u4 ,i knew ,i _h to wrap up ! /ory fa/4 a#ig -----------------------------------#ih 8,s !n1 ! space bugs sw>m "un1? ! turtle & lift x (f ! gr.d4 ,!y c>ry x deep 9to ! d>k;s ( ! cave1 & x 0 n"e se5 ag40 ,un=tunately1 ,ms4 ,adolf he>d t la/ "p ( my /ory4 ,let's j say %e wasn't a fan ( hairy turtles4 8,h5ry10 %e sd /]nly4 8,pr9cipal ,love is wait+ = y 9 front ( ! ,,,welcome1 paula h>t,' sign4 ,n[ foll[ me1 & /op wa/+ "t40 8,come on1 ,zip10 ,frankie sd4 8,? is :5 we get \r picture ) ,paula ,h>t40 ,he didn't h to say t twice4 ,i 0 sup] r1dy4 -----------------------------------#ii 8,i've got to g10 ,i sd to all ! kids4 8,i'll tell y m lat]40 ,frankie1 ,a%ley1 & ,i hurri$ d[n ! hall af ,ms4 ,adolf4 ,pr9cipal ,love 0 /&+ 9 front ( ! color;l welcome sign1 *att+ ) ,paula & hold+ 8 cam]a4 #ea 8,hey1 kids10 ,paula sd4 #ajj 8,was t assembly fun1 or :at80 8,! mo/ fun "e10 ,i answ]$1 & ,i m1nt x4 8,let's get on ) ! picture10 ,pr9cipal ,love sd4 8,ms4 ,h>t has a plane to cat*4 ,%e's visit+ ano!r s*ool 9 ,s1ttle40 8,lucky kids10 ,a%ley sd4 8,ms4 ,h>t1 y /& 9 ! middle1 & kids1 y ga!r >.d h]10 ,pr9cipal ,love su7e/$4 ,z ,i took my place next to ,paula1 ,i />t$ to smell "s?+ bad1 l "s"o _h burp$ up a rott5 banana4 ,x didn't seem l a burp t ----------------------------------#aja ,paula ,h>t wd make4 ,x 0 m l a ,nick ! ,tick burp4 .1,oh .1no6 ,i turn$ >.d & "! he was1 9 all 8 /9ky rott5 banana-ness4 8,i ?"\ ,i'd come & add "s gd looks to ? picture10 ,mc,kelty sd4 ,z ! ^ws came \ ( 8 m\?1 s did 8 hot br1? all ov] my neck4 8,y're n 9vit$1 ,nick10 a#aja ,frankie sd4 8,pl1se /ep to ! side1 ,ni*olas10 ,ms4 ,adolf snapp$4 8,f9e ) me10 ,mc,kelty answ]$4 8,i don't want to 2 ----------------------------------#ajb 9 a picture ) ,zipp]butt1 anyway4 ,8 face is go+ to br1k ! cam]a40 ,t did x = me4 ,i _h be5 feel+ s gd f ! assembly1 & ,i wasn't ab to let ? turkey ru9 my mo;t1 my "d1 or my ye>4 8,y "k :at ,i ?9k1 ,mc,kelty80 ,i sd4 8,i ?9k y're m1n "r d[n to yr toes4 ,y m/ "k :at x feels l to 2 call$ "ns4 ,i don't "u/& :y y call me "ns e s+le "d4 ,all ,i "k is x /ops "h & n[40 8,way to /& up = yrf10 ,paula ,h>t :isp]$1 giv+ me a fi/ bump4 ----------------------------------#ajc 8,i'm go+ to call y any?+ ,i want10 ,mc,kelty sd1 putt+ 8 nose 9 my face4 8,& "!'s no?+ y c d ab x40 8,"h's :at ,i c d ab x10 #ec ,pr9cipal ,love sd4 8,i'm go+ a#ajc to put y 9 det5;n = a week ) ,ms4 ,adolf4 ,%e'll ----------------------------------#ajd t1* y h[ to 3trol yr m\?4 ,won't y1 ,ms4 ,adolf80 8,oh1 y c c.t on x10 %e sn>l$4 8,come ) me1 ,ni*olas4 ,i h _m wa/ebaskets = y to empty4 ,& t's j ! 2g9n+40 ,z ,ms4 ,adolf guid$ ,mc,kelty back to h] classroom1 ,nick ! ,tick %ot me a look t sd1 8,i'm t\<40 ,b ,i %ot a look "r back t sd1 8,i'm t\<]40 ,we took ab t5 pictures ) ,paula4 ,! f/ few 7 regul>4 ,!n ,paula su7e/$ t we all make a sc>$ face4 ,!n a surpris$ face4 ,!n a funny face4 ,!n a go(y face4 ,!n x 0 "t = h] to g4 ----------------------------------#aje ,j 2f %e left1 %e hu7$ ea* ( u4 ,:5 x 0 "t = my hug1 %e :isp]$ 9 my e>4 8,i 2lieve 9 y1 ,hank10 %e sd4 ,!n %e swoop$ (f1 h] gira6e dress & p9k boots 4appe>+ d[n ! hall4 ,i knew ,i wd n"e =get h]4 a#aje -----------------------------#ajf-#ajg ,,*apt] #aa ,! :ole next week seem$ l x took ="e to happ54 ,i _h actual dr1ms ab /&+ 9 front ( ! bullet9 bo>d1 wat*+ my picture get put up4 ,9 my dr1ms1 ,i 0 six feet tall & sitt+ on a :ite horse4 ,! horse & ,i bo? took a b[ z ! 5tire s*ool *e]$ my "n4 ,"o ( ! be/ "ps ( ! dr1m 0 :5 ,ms4 ,adolf pres5t$ me ) a b\quet ( fl[]s4 ----------------------------------#ajh ,on ! actual "d1 ,i'm sorry to say "! 0 no :ite horse 9volv$1 & no fl[]s1 ei4 ,b ,i did we> ! br&-new r$ sn1k]s t my gr&pa1 ,papa ,pete1 b"\ me j = my special "d4 ,pr9cipal ,love >rang$ = u all to meet af s*ool4 ,a%ley came ) h] mom & dad1 ,dr4 & ,dr4 ,w;g4 ,frankie came ) 8 "m & "f & 8 big bro!r1 ,otis4 ,!y 7 all we>+ ;,t-%irts t sd ,,g1 #ee ,,frankie4 ,my mom & dad 7 a#ajh we>+ ! gre5 buttons t say ,,,i'm a pr\d ps #hg p>5t4,' ,usually !y we> ^? = ,emily's ev5ts1 b ----------------------------------#aji ? "t1 ! buttons 7 = me4 ,t 0 pretty cool4 ,\r gr\p 9clud$ ! :ole ,zipz] family3 ,mom1 ,dad1 ,papa ,pete1 & ,emily1 :o came ) h] iguana1 ,ka!r9e4 ,z alw1 ,ka!r9e 0 wrapp$ >.d ,emily's neck l a %ort gre5 sc>f4 8,:o 9vit$ ! liz>d80 ,i ask$ :5 ,i spott$ ,ka!r9e4 ----------------------------------#aaj 8,ka!r9e's feel+s wd 2 hurt if ,i left h] home10 ,emily sd4 8,ka!r9e is v s5sitive40 8,h[ d y ?9k ,*e]io feels10 ,i ask$1 82+ 9 ! a"p;t all by hmf8 ,poor guy4 ,i wi% he 0 "h40 ,papa ,pete cle>$ 8 ?roat a c\ple ( "ts to get my att5;n4 8,look at ?1 ,hankie10 he :isp]$4 ,he sl[ly unzipp$ 8 r$ sw1t%irt j 5 = me to see a cute ll wet nose a#aaj pok+ \ f 8 *e/4 8,y br"\ ,*e]io80 ,i :isp]$4 ----------------------------------#aaa 8,he wdn't miss ? = any?+10 ,papa ,pete sd4 8,don't tell4 ,x's \r secret40 ,!n he w9k$ at me1 & ,i w9k$ back1 except ,i'm n gd at w9k+ s bo? eyes clos$ 9/1d ( j "o4 ,we he>d ,pr9cipal ,love com+ d[n ! hall 2f we saw hm4 ,8 sn1k]s 7 especially l\d z !y squ1k$ ----------------------------------#aab t[>d u4 ,i wond]$ if 8 sn1k]s h a special button t lets hm turn up ! squ1k4 8,well1 hello1 "ey"o10 he sd1 tak+ a br[n manila 5velope f 8 jacket4 8,we're "h to celebrate a special mo;t = ^! ?ree "y p4 ,& z ,i alw say1 *ildhood is a "t to climb ! m.ta9 ( mo;ts until y r1* ! mo;t ( adulthood4 ,& :at a mo;t t is40 .7,i wi% he wd get to ! mo;t ( #eg putt+ up \r picture6.' a#aab ,i look$ >.d at all \r ----------------------------------#aac families4 ,!y seem$ j z 3fus$ z we w]e4 ,!y w]5't us$ to he>+ ,pr9cipal ,love's spee*es1 : >e ev5 l;g] ?an a spid] monkey's tail4 ,& he / wasn't f9i%$4 8,y *n h repres5t$ ,,ps #hg 9 ! be/ possible lit :at a w>m welcome is all ab4 ,a%ley & ,frankie1 y 7 yr usual \t/&+ selves4 ,& ,hank1 y c]ta9ly add$ yr [n p]sonal t\* to ! ev5t40 ,i 0 /&+ "!1 ?9k+ t ,i cdn't li/5 to "o m ^w4 ,b :5 ,i r1liz$ he 0 talk+ ab me1 sudd5ly ----------------------------------#aad 8 spee* wasn't s bad4 ,9 fact1 ,i 0 r1lly lik+ x4 ,!n came ! be/ "p4 ,pr9cipal ,love op5$ ! br[n 5velope & took \ ! picture4 ,x %[$ ,frankie1 ,a%ley1 & me1 /&+ next to ,paula ,h>t4 ,x 0 ! "o ": we 7 all smil+1 n mak+ go(y faces4 ,y cd tell t we 7 a#aad hav+ a grt "t4 ,pr9cipal ,love took d[n ! picture ( ,emily & h&$ x to my dad4 ,i look$ ov] at ,emily4 ,i 0 pretty sure t ? 0 go+ to upset h]4 ,b ,emily is full ( surprises4 ,%e gave me a big smile4 ----------------------------------#aae 8,ka!r9e & ,i >e r1lly pr\d ( y10 %e sd4 ,ka!r9e flick$ h] l;g t;gue at me & hiss$4 8,well1 at l1/ ,i am10 ,emily sd4 ,pr9cipal ,love tack$ up \r picture "r 9 ! c5t] ( ! bullet9 bo>d1 ": ,emily's _h be54 ,next to x1 he plac$ a sign t sd ,,,/ud5ts ( ! mon?4,' ,i let ^? ^ws roll >.d ----------------------------------#aaf 9 my h1d4 ,9 my :ole life1 ,i n"e ?"\ ,i wd ev5 2 a ,/ud5t ( ! ,m9ute or ,/ud5t ( ! ,h\r4 ,& n[1 "h ,i was1 /&+ 9 ! hall1 />+ up at a picture ( me z a ,/ud5t ( ! .1,mon?4 #ei ,all ,i cd say 0 ,,w[4 a#aaf ,& !n ,i sd x twelve m "ts4 ,w[4 ,w[4 ,w[4 ,w[4 ,w[4 ,w[4 ,w[4 ,w[4 ,w[4 ,w[4 ,w[4 ,w[4 ,& once m = luck4 ,w[4 ,ea* family took a picture 9 front ( ! bullet9 bo>d4 ,frankie /ood ) 8 family ----------------------------------#aag & held 8 h&s ov] 8 h1d l an ,olympic *ampion4 ,a%ley's family /ood hold+ h&s4 ,!n x 0 "t = ! ,zipz] family photograph4 8,hank1 /& z close to yr picture z y c10 my mom sd4 8,& make sure y don't block x10 my dad add$4 8,dad1 ,i'm n tall 5\<10 ,i sd1 & we all lau<$4 8,d y want me to take ! picture80 ,emily ask$4 ,i ?9k %e 0 rememb]+ :5 ,i 0 ! "o :o took a picture ( h]4 ,i rememb]$ h[ t felt1 h[ x hurts to 2 left \4 8,no10 ,i sd to h]4 8,i want #aah y to 2 9 ! picture1 too40 ,%e smil$ & scoot$ 9 next to me4 8,j make sure y look l ! pr\d ll si/]10 ,i :isp]$4 8,i'll 2 glad to take yr family photo10 ,pr9cipal ,love sd4 8,i've be5 "kn to snap a prizew9n] or two40 ,we l9$ up 9 front ( ! bullet9 bo>d,-my mom1 my dad1 ,emily1 ,ka!r9e1 ,papa ,pete1 & me4 8,"eybody say ,8,/ud5t ( ! ,mon?1,00 ,pr9cipal ,love call$ \4 ----------------------------------#aai ,2f ,pr9cipal ,love snapp$ ! picture1 ,papa ,pete pull$ d[n ! zipp] ( 8 sw1t%irt j 5 to %[ ,*e]io's 5tire face4 ,he 0 smil+ r1lly big4 ,& ,i was1 too4 -----------------------------#abj-#aba ,,*apt] #ab ,all 9 all1 x 0 a grt "d4 ,"! #fa 0 ! photo4 ,"! 0 ! pizza "py a#aba afw ) all \r families4 ,"! 0 ! m9t-*ip ice cr1m = dess]t4 ,& let's n =get ! :ipp$ cr1m ) ! *]ry on top4 ,by ! "t ,i got 9to b$1 ,i 0 z tir$ z a be> 9 ! middle ( w9t]4 8,knock1 knock10 ,i he>d my mom say j \tside my door4 8,come in10 ,i sd1 ) a yawn4 ----------------------------------#abb ,%e pu%$ ! door op51 came in1 & sat d[n on ! $ge ( my b$1 tuck+ ! cov]s up "u my *9 l %e us$ to d :5 ,i 0 ll4 8,y %d feel grt "r n[10 %e sd4 8,i d10 ,i answ]$4 8,c y 2lieve t my picture is hang+ on ! bullet9 bo>d 9 ! hallway ( ,,ps #hg8 ,i n"e ?"\ t wd happ540 8,b y see1 h"oy1 x did10 %e sd s(tly4 8,"ey?+ y d1 ,hank1 y d 9 yr [n way4 ,t's yr gift40 8,y1h1 b a lot ( "ts1 t gift gets me 9to tr\ble40 8,y're v special10 %e :isp]$4 8,n"e =get t40 #abc ,%e gave me a kiss on ! =eh1d & left ! room4 ,i he>d ! door click 2h h] & felt my eyes get h1vy4 ,i felt gd all ov]4 ,! la/ ?"\ ,i _h 2f ,i drift$ (f to sleep 0 .7,hank ,zipz]1 "s"d y're go+ to 2 "sbody4.' @.<,! ,5d@.> #fc